Effect of rearing systems on performance of chickens

Abstract: Two developed strains, Golden Montazah and Matrouh, were reared in this study on 3 types of litter, wood shaving, wheat straw and rice hulls. The characters studied were body weight, rate of growth, feed consumption, mortality rate, body measurement, rectal temperature, carcass composition, egg production, age at sexual maturity, exterior egg quality and leg abnormalities.
Growing period:
Chicks were reared from hatching up -to 12 weeks of age. Statistical analysis showed that, there were no significant differences in body weight (except at 12 weeks of age, the heaviest body weight was recorded for birds reared on rice hulls), rate of growth, feed consumption, rectal temperature (except at 4 and 12 weeks old was about a.l3°C lower for those reared on wheat straw litter.), blood, feather, leg and carcass percentages for both strains were the lowest when reared on rice hulls litter.
Males were significantly superior than females for body weight, rate of growth and feed consumption during growing period. Also, Golden Montazah strain surpassed Matrouh one in body weight, rate of growth, body measurements at different ages.
Laying period:
Hens were reared on the same types of litter material mentioned
previously till the first 90 days of egg production. Overall mean and average body weight (gm / bird) of the two strains at first egg laid, 20% and 50% egg production were recorded. It was found that Golden Montazah strain had a heavier body weight compared to Matrouh strain, while it was not influenced by different litter types treatments at different periods of egg production. Also, Golden Montazah reached sexual maturity earlier than Matrouh strain.
Golden Montazah strain laid more egg number than Matrouh one, while egg number was not affected by type of litter.
There were no differences for egg weight and egg mass neither for
strain nor for litter types.
Shell weight and thickness were significantly affected by strain facto.
Golden Montazah hens had a higher shell weight than Matrouh ones, also, shell thickness for Golden Montazah eggs was thicker than Matrouh eggs. Shell thickness did not affect by the type of litter.
Dirty eggs were more observed in eggs laid from the birds reared on wheat straw litter. Besides, legs abnormality were more frequented in the birds reared on rice hulls litter, especially in Matrouh strain.
Key words: litter type - wood shaving - wheat straw - rice hulls-Golden Montazah - Matrouh.
Publication year 2000
Pages 97p.
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد - الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number 681
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Department Poultry Breeding Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal husbandry
Animal husbandry methods. Chickens. Performance testing. Rice husks. Wheat straw. Wood residues.
Proposed Agrovoc litter type;
Publication Type Master Thesis