تأثير مصادر و مستويات اليود على الاداء الانتاجى للابقار الفريزيان

Effect of iodine sources and levels on productive performance of Friesian cows.1. digestibility, milk yield and feed efficiency

Abstract: Twenty five lactating Friesian cows were used in five similar groups to study effect of iodine sources (potassium iodide, KI and iodinated casein,IC) and levels (0.6,and 1.0 mg iodine/kg DM) on milk production, digestion coefficients for all nutrients and economical efficiency. The experimental ration consisted of 60% concentrate mixture plus 40% rice straw beside 2 kg berseem hany/head/daily. Animals were fed the experimental ration as follows:
a) control ration; without iodine supplement;
b) Low level of potassium iodide L-KI ration (0.6 mg iodine / kg DM intake /day );
c) High level of potassium iodide H-KI ration ( 1.0 iodine/kg DM intake / day);
d) Low level of iodinated casein L-IC ration (0.6 mg iodine / kg DM intake / day )and
e) High level of iodinated casein ; H-IC ration ( 1.0 mg iodine / kg DM intake /day).
Iodine supplementation decreased all nutrient digestibilities and so the nutritive value of the ration except for high iodinated casein ration (H-IC) which recorded significant (p< 0.05) higher DCP value. Ration containing low potassium iodide (L-KI) had higher DMI (10.57 ) kg, which the daily intake of TDN and DCP for cows fed low iodinated casein rations were higher than the others. There was significant increase in 4% fat –corrected milk yield for cows fed iodine supplemented diets, being 8.78, 8.09, 8.71 and 8.01 kg / h / day for rations B,C,D and E, respectively. Moreover, iodine supplementation significantly increased milk contents of fat, protein, lactose, ash, energy and iodine.
From these results, it could be concluded that iodine supplementation had beneficial effects on the productive performance of lactating cows and tended to increase the economical efficiency.
Key words: iodine sources, productive performance, friesian cows, milk yield.
Publication year 2003
Pages 595-602
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد - الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feed. (2003) 6 (Special Issue): 595-602.
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    صباح محمود علام جامعة القاهرة
    محمد حنفى جامعة القاهرة
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Cows. Digestibility. Economic analysis. Feed conversion efficiency. Iodine. Milk yield. Performance testing.
Publication Type Journal