Improving goats semen quality by filtration through sephadex column

Abstract: The main objective of this study was to determine the effects of sperm filtration through a Sephadex filter on the quality of goat spermatozoa. The study involved a total number of 154 goat semen samples collected from 5 mature bucks each from 5 breed groups during different seasons of the year. Results indicated significant (P<0.01) effect of filtration on semen quality. Filtration increased livability and reduced abnormality while sperm cell concentration declined due to filtration of semen.
Keywords: Goats, semen quality, filteration.
Publication year 2000
Pages 3893-3900
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى -7 شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City المنصورة
serial title Journal Agricultural Science Mansoura University
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Reproduction
Filtration. Goats. Seasons. Semen.
Publication Type Journal