Production of functional fermented dairy products using medicinal herbs (Black cumin)

Abstract: Effect of black cumin on the activity of some probiotic lactic acid bacterial culture added to yoghurt culture, during the manufacture of yoghurt, were determined by its increase In its Colony Forming Unit (CFU) and acidity every 2 hours during incubation penod of 6 hours at appropriate temperatures Higher CFU and acidity were noticed where black cumin was added. Yoghurt starter and four .probiotic lactic acid strain cultures with 0.5 % black cumin and 0.5% salt were used in the manufacture of labnah (3% yoghurt culture used as control, treatments 1 ½ % probiotic lactic acid culture) The microbiological chemical and organoleptic properties of the resultant labnah were followed during storage at 7°± 1 for 3 weeks. The lactic acid bacterial (LAB) counts increased during storage in all treatments. Highest counts were observed with lact casei followed by Lact helveticus then ABT and lact acidcphilus which were near in counts. The control was the least In its increase in LAB. Mould and yeast were not detected in fresh and stored labnah an all treatments. Increase In acidity while decrease in acetaldehyde were apparent an all treatments Labnah of all treatments gained higher. Scores than the control, whereas labnah with Lact casei and lact. helveticus were the most acceptable Generally, labnah, using yoghurt and probiotic lactic acid bacterial cultures and black cumin In its manufacture, is a product of high nutritional value and therapeutic effect .
Key words: black cumin, yoghurt culture, labnah, probiotic LAB
Publication year 2007
Pages P. 52
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى - شارع نادى الصيد - الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title 10 th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology 19-21 November 2007 (P.52)
ISSN 0378-2700
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد النواوى جامعة عين شمس
Cultured milk. Drug plants. Probiotics. Yoghurt.
Proposed Agrovoc labnah;black cumin;bacterial culture;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop