Effect of some feed additives on performance of local layer strains. 3-complementary effects of adding vitamin e or c to hot pepper on performance and egg quality of fayoumi laying hens during cold weather

Abstract: The objective of this work was to study the complementary effects of adding either vitamin E or C with hot pepper to Fayoumi diets on laying performance and egg quality during cold weather. Hens were fed the experimental diets from 44 to 56 wks of age. The birds were fed a basal diet contains 16 % CP and 2700 Kcal metabolism energy /Kg feed .The birds were fed a basal diet supplemented with 1.5. , 3 gm of hot pepper /kg of diet, basal diet supplemented with 1.5 gm of hot pepper /kg plus 50 mg vitamin E / Kg feed, basal diet supplemented with 1.5 gm of hot pepper /kg plus 125 mg vitamin C / Kg feed, basal diet supplemented with 3 gm of hot pepper /kg plus 50 mg vitamin E / Kg feed and basal diet supplemented with 3 gm of hot pepper /kg plus 125 mg vitamin C / Kg feed. Results obtained can be summarized as following.
1- The mean egg weight and egg production for hens fed diets contained hot pepper and supplemented with vitamin E or vitamin C was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of birds fed only hot pepper diets.
2- No significantly (P<0.05) differences were detected between both dietary levels of hot pepper on egg weight during the experiential period of study.
3- Birds fed diet supplemented with hot pepper at level of 1.5 gm with 125 mg vitamin C / Kg of feed significantly (P<0.05) recorded best feed conversion values compared with other groups of birds.
4- Birds fed diet supplemented with hot pepper at both levels with vitamin C numerically showed an improvement in Shell thickness (mm) of eggs compared with other groups of birds.
5- The effect of adding vitamin C to diets contained 1.5 gm hot pepper / kg feed was significantly (P<0.05) more effective on SWUSA than adding vitamin E to same level of hot pepper. In conc1usio study suggests that dietary supplementation of laying hem antioxidant vitamins (vitamin E or vitamin C) with hot pepper cold condition can improve the immune response of birds and it improve performance and egg quality. Therefore, supplementation with 125 mg vitamin C plus 1.5 gm hot pep of diet is sufficient to increase egg production and improve egg quality in laying hens during cold stress.
Publication year 2009
Pages 1-20
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شار ع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal of Applied Science
ISSN 1110-1571
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Ascorbic acid. Chillies. Cold season. Cold stress. Egg production. Feed additives. Layer chickens. Performance testing. Vitamin e.
Proposed Agrovoc egg quality;
Publication Type Journal