Effect of different shed types, as alleviation mean of heat stress, on body reactions and growth performance of crossbred calves

Abstract: A total of 100 healthy male Friesian-Baladi crossbred calves at 9-10 months of age and averaged 218 kg live body weight belonging to a private farm were selected and divided into four equal groups. Each group was kept separately in coral with earthen floor under loose semi-shaded system in the summer season (from June to September). The first group’s corral was roofed with shade-net (treated polyethylene shade-cloth), the second group’s corral was roofed with reed meal, and the third group was kept under asbestos shade and provided with a nutritional consists of mineral mixture and urea (NPN). The three different groups were used to compare them with a control group (G1) which was kept in a corral roofed with asbestos only. Feed and water consumption were recorded to estimate dry matter intake (DMI) and water intake (WI). Temperature, humidity index (THI) was calculated according to maximum-minimum temperatures and humidity, which were recorded daily. In addition, the upper, lower shade surface and the ground under the shade temperature of different shade materials were recorded. Shin temperature (ST) and respiration rate(RR) were recorded three times per day, also, daily weight gain (DWG) was calculated. Results showed highly significant differences (P< 0.01) among the different treatments on DWG, F1 W1, ST and RR. There were highly significant correlations between animal responses and the environmental conditions. It could be concluded that keeping animals under shade-net or reed shades with well-ventilated area give better growth performance than keeping animals under asbestos shade even with nutritional additives and NPN.
Key words: shade-net, reed, asbestos, diurnal and monthly variations, male calves, body reaction, daily weight gain.
Publication year 2009
Pages 35-43
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City مشتهر
serial title Annals Of Agricultural Science Moshtohor
ISSN 1110-0419
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    ابراهيم عبد المجيد خليل جامعة بنها
    عبد الكريم ابراهيم السيد جامعة بنها
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Nutrition
Asbestos. Calves. Heat stress. Males. Sheds. Weight gain.
Proposed Agrovoc growth performance;reed;shade net;diurnal and monthly variations;body reaction;
Publication Type Journal