Effect of using Eucalyptus leaves as natural additives on productive, physiological, immunological and histological performance of laying Japanese quail

Abstract: This experiment was conducted to study the effect of replacing an antibiotic growth promoter by eucalyptus leaves as natural additive on productive performance, egg quality, carcass characteristics, some blood constituents and immune response of laying Japanese quail. Two hundred and seventy of (10 female /3 replicate / group) of Japanese quail laying hens were divided into nine groups for divided into three replicate. Hens were fed diets containing 0, 0.25 or 0.5% eucalyptus and/or 0, 0.1 or 0.2% of pharmastim 4% (as antibiotic growth promoter) and the combination of each dose of them in the diet till 7-14 weeks of age. Body weight and body weight gains, egg number, egg weight and egg mass were recorded. Egg quality was investigated at the end the experimental period. Blood parameters and thyroid hormones were analyzed at the end of the experiment. Some physiological and immunological traits were determined and illustrated in this study.
Results indicated that body weight and body weight gain, egg number, egg weight, egg mass were increased. Feed conversion and egg quality were improved in all supplemented groups with eucalyptus and antibiotic than control group. Adding eucalyptus and antibiotics increased plasma total protein, globulin, calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphates. However, plasma yolk and liver cholesterol, lipids, thyroid hormones, liver enzymes were decreased when compared to birds in control group. Also, the immune response was improved for quails fed with diets supplemented with eucalyptus or antibiotic.
It can be concluded that similar results were obtained when using eucalyptus instead of antibiotic as growth promoter in diets to improve egg production, physiological and immunological performance for Japanese quail. Therefore, we can use eucalyptus to produce healthily animal product for human consumption.
Publication year 2011
Pages 305-329
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City الاسكندرية
serial title Egyptian of Poultry Science
ISSN 1110-5623
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    مراد حامد شاكر السنهورى جامعة عين شمس
    ايمن محمد حسن احمد جامعة عين شمس
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Nutrition
Blood composition. Carcass composition. Egg characters. Eucalyptus. Feed additives. Immunity. Leaves. Production. Quails.
Proposed Agrovoc histological performance;antibiotic growth promoter;
Publication Type Journal