Impact of newspaper as bedding material in arid land on broiler performance

Abstract: Two experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of using new and reused bedding materials on broiler performances. First experiment was conducted from 1 to 42 days of age, using seven hundred and twenty one day-old broiler chicks (Ross) chicks were distributed to six treatments (four replicates for each), One hundred and twenty chicks were allocated each treatment (30 birds for each replicates) in a completely randomized design. The six bedding materials were shaving woods, barley strew, newspaper, 1:1 shaving woods + barley straw 1:1 shaving woods + newspaper and 1:1 barley straw + newspaper, respectively. Second experiment was performed on reused bedding, which used in the first experiment, during the finishing period (28 to 42 days of age), Same protocol design and numbers of birds as in first experiment were followed in the second experiment.
The results indicated that broilers grown on shaving woods + barley straw and shaving woods + newspaper had significantly the highest body weight (BW) as well as body weight gain (BWG) In addition. same treated broilers consumed the highest amount of feed (FI), and recorded the best feed conversion ratios (FCR). Relative carcass and glands weights were not affected. However, relative full and empty gizzard. intestine and caeca weights and lengths as well as of broiler chicks were significantly influenced by different bedding materials ,newspaper and shaving woods + newspaper litters retained the highest percentages moisture.
Reused of bedding materials had insignificant effect on final BW. Broiler grown on reused shaving woods + newspaper and barley straw + newspaper litters had the highest significant BWG and F1 and they recorded the best FCR. Broilers grown on reused barley straw + newspaper and shaving woods + barley straw litters had the highest significant relatives carcass weight The highest significant relative full and empty gizzard weights intestine and ceca weight and length were recorded for the broiler raised on reused barley straw +newspaper relative weights of glands (bursa of fabricius. adrenal and thyroid) were not significantly
affected by reused bedding materials. The highest moisture percentage was recorded for reused newspaper litter.
In conclusion. newspaper can be used as bedding materials for rearing broiler during grown and finisher periods in arid land such as Saudi Arabia, using mixture of newspaper and shaving woods or barley straw as bedding materials in broiler house improved the broiler performances and litter characteristics as well as good impact on environmental condition.
Keywords: Newspaper, bedding, litter, broiler, performance.
Publication year 2011
Pages 715-725
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City الاسكندرية
serial title Egyptian Poultry Science
ISSN 1110-5623
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    احمد الديك جامعة الملك عبد العزيز- كلية الارصاد و البيئة وزراعة المناطق الجافة - السعودية)
    محمد الحارثى جامعة الملك عبد العزيز- كلية الارصاد و البيئة وزراعة المناطق الجافة - السعودية
    محمد البانوبى جامعة الملك عبد العزيز- كلية الارصاد و البيئة وزراعة المناطق الجافة - السعودية
    تامر الحربى جامعة الملك عبد العزيز- كلية الارصاد و البيئة وزراعة المناطق الجافة - السعودية
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Nutrition
Broiler chickens. Litter for animals. Newspapers. Performance testing.
Proposed Agrovoc shaving woods;barley strew;
Publication Type Journal