Effect of using two medicinal herbs and plants mixtures as feed additives on the performance of growing lambs

Abstract: Twenty four crossbred lambs (0.75 Rahmani X 0.25 Romanov) averaged four months old and 13.50 kg. live body weight were divided into four similar groups, six lambs/ group to compare the effect of two feed additives (FA) based on medicinal herbs and plants on growth performance. Lambs were fed according to allowances of N.R.C.
of sheep (1985) for seven months on a control ration (CR) free from FA, consisted of 25.36% concentrate feed mixture + 20.90% wheat straw + 53.74% berseem, on DM basis. Tested rations were composed per lamb/ day of: CR + 5 g. Biotonic (Biot.) for tested ration 1 (TR1), CR + 5 g. Digeston (Dig.) for TR2 and CR + 5 g.: Biot. + Dig.
mixture (1:1) for TR3. Results showed thatTR1 significantly (P<0.05) improved all digestibility coefficients (DC) except EE and increased nutritive values (NV) as SV, TON and DCP than those of CR that had the lowest values among treatments. Biotonic group significantly (P<0.05) raised DC of OM, OM, EE, CF than those of Dig. group, while insignificantly improved DC of all nutrients and NV than those of TR3.
Average final body weight (FBW) ofTR1 lambs significantly (P<0.05) increased than those of the CR and TR2. Average daily weight gain (ADG) of TR1 was significantly (P<0.05) higher by 21.85 and 11.92% than those of CR and TR2, respectively. Biotonic group had insignificantly higher FBW and ADG values than those of TR3. Lambs consumed all tested rations exhibiting that FA didn't have any undesirable taste. Biotonic group showed the best feed conversion (FC) as kg. TDN, SV and DCPI kg. BWG, while CR fulfilled the lowest FCI kg. BWG followed by Dig. group. Biotonic group increased the economic return (ER)/head by 21.71 and 20.23 % than CR and TR2, respectively, while CR showed the lowest ER /h among treatments. This study recommends using Biotonic as feed additive to elevate average daily weight gain and the economic return.
Keywords: sheep - medicinal herbs and plants - growth promoters - digestibility -economic efficiency.
Publication year 2001
Pages 5321-5333
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City المنصورة
serial title Journal of Agricultural Science Mansoura University
ISSN 1110-0346
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Nutrition
Digestibility. Economic analysis. Feed additives. Lambs. Performance testing. Sheep.
Proposed Agrovoc growth promoters;medicinal herbs and plants;
Publication Type Journal