Investigating the effect of probiotics on chicks fertility and semen quality

Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of effective microorganisms (EM) probiotics on the Fertility, hatchability and Semen quality of Inshas chickens (a local Egyptian chicken strain). 540 chicks were randomly selected from 1 to 5 treatments: 1) no probiotics (control) ; 2) )Basal diet + EM (2.5 ml/kg diet ); T3) Basal diet + EM (5.0 ml/kg diet ); T4) Basal diet + EM (7.5 ml/kg diet ); T5) Basal diet + EM (10.0 ml/kg diet) and (T6) Basal diet + Zinc bactracin (500 mg/kg) . Feeding treatment was started at 4 wks of age and lasted at 41 wks of age. Characteristic investigations were including: Semen quality (Semen volume, Sperm motility %, Sperm cell concentration (x106/ml) and Sperm abnormal and dead); Fertility, hatchability and chick weights.
Obtained results could be summarized as following;
1-All studied traits were affected by the feed additive treatments.
2-The studied feed additives showed significant beneficial effects almostly in all studied traits.
3-In many cases, the most improving effect was obtained with Basal diet + EM (10.0 ml/kg diet).
Publication year 2011
Pages 1277-1279
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City فيينا
serial title 15th ISAH Congress
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    خيرى عنبر جامعة كفر الشيخ
Agris Categories Animal feedingAnimal physiology - Reproduction
Chickens. Egg hatchability. Fertility. Microorganisms. Probiotics.
Proposed Agrovoc Semen quality;Semen volume;Sperm motility;Sperm cell concentration;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop