Effect of some natural feed additives on internal organs and biochemical analysis of birds fed aflatoxic diets

Abstract: A total number of eight hundred and ten unsexed Inshas day old chicks were divided into nine experimental groups of 90 chicks each (three replicates per each group) including control and 8 dietary treatments as fo1lows; (T1) Basal diet + AF (1.0mg total AF/kg diet), (T2) Basal diet + AF+ Mannan-oligosaccharide (Bio-mos at l.0g/kg diet), (T3) Basal diet +AF+ Radish extract (RE at 10g/kg diet). (T4) Basal diet +AF+ Hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS at 0.5%) , (T5) Basal diet + AF+ Bio-moo + RE . (T6) Basal diet +AF+ Bio-mos +HSCAS, (T7) Basal diet +AF+RE + HSCAS , ( TS) Basal diet +AF+Bio-mos +RE + HSCAS, and (T9) Basal diet (control). Characteristics investigated included; Relative weight of internal organs (bursa of Fabricius, the thymus glands, spleen, liver, ovary and testes); serum biochemical estimates (serum AST and ALT activities, total lipids, total protein and albumin); age at sexual maturity; egg production traits (egg number / hen / first 4 wks of laying, average egg weight, egg mass / hen / first 4 wk of laying). Results obtained could be summarized as fo1lows;
I. Relative weights of liver and spleen significantly increased. While, bursa of fabricius and thymus gland weight ovarian relative weight and testes relative weight decreased in AF groups.
2. Chicks fed AF-diet recorded lower values of blood total protein, albumin, total lipids and higher values of asparate amintranseferase (AST) and alanine aminotranseferase (ALT) enzymatic activities.
3. Chicks fed-diet without additives recorded the lowest values of (egg production, traits) egg number, egg weight and egg mass.
4. The three anti - AF agents studied showed significant, beneficial effects in ameliorating the adverse effects resulting from AF administration.
Thus, on the basis of the achieved results in the present, study MOS, if available, could be recommended as an efficient protective substance in cases of aflatoxicosis followed by HSCAS or their combination. In locations where radish is available in sufficient amounts, it could be chopped off and introduced fresh to birds as a protective feed additive.
Keywords: poultry, aflatoxin, Bio mos, HSCS, radish extract, chemical analysis.
Publication year 2008
Pages 395-4713
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds
ISSN 1110-6360
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد الحباك جامعة كفر الشيخ
    صبربة ابو السعود جامعة كفر الشيخ
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Nutrition
Aflatoxins. Chemical composition. Egg production. Liver. Poultry. Sexual maturity. Spleen.
Proposed Agrovoc radish extract;HSCS;Bio mos;Mannan-oligosaccharide;thymus glands;serum AST;ALT activities;total lipids;total protein;total albumin;
Publication Type Journal