Milk production, feed conversion rate and reproduction of Zaraibi goat in response to bacterial feed additive during late pregnancy and lactation

Abstract: This work was carried out on Zaraibi does to investigate the effect of using commercial microbial supplement (Lacture) on milk production, feed conversion efficiency and some blood constituents as well as reproductive parameters such as still birth, litter size, kidding rate and kilograms of kids produced per doe per year in addition to performance of the offspring. Twenty one pregnant does were divided into three equal groups (G1, G2 and G3) and fed according to NRC allowances, where diets contained 0, 1 and 2g Lacture / head/ day, respectively.
The data indicated that daily milk yield during suckling period was increased (1.341 kg., 1.593 kg. and 1.669 kg.) with increasing the level of Lacture (0,1 and 2g/head/d) in the three groups G1 G2 and G3, respectively. Moreover, average milk yield during lactation period was improved by 7.06% and 13.79% in G2 and G3 groups', respectively, compared with the control. Differences were found to be significant during either experimental periods The effect of treatment was positive on milk composition, especially milk protein and lactose, however, no significant effects of Lacture were observed on milk quality. The feed utilization efficiency (based on DM and CP) was better in G2 and G3 groups (over 10%) compared with G1 group.
Litter size ranged from 1.86 to 2.14 with no-significant differences among treatments. Daily body gain of kids was significantly improved in G2 (105.2 g) and G3 groups (l08.5 g) by 11.91% and 15.43%, respectively compared with that of G1 group (94.0 g).
The mortality rate of kids was 7.1% in G2 and 0.00 in G3 vs. 13.3% in the control group. Thus, output measured as kilograms of kids produced per doe per year improved significantly due to Lacture supplementation. Accordingly, the economic efficiency was higher due to using Lacture at levels 1 and 2g/head/day compared with the control one (0g).
Keywords: Zaraibi goats, Lacture yeast, milk production, kids performance, feed efficiency, mortality rate, kilograms produced per doe
Publication year 2008
Pages 189-203
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal Animal Production
ISSN 0302-4520
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal physiology - NutritionAnimal physiology - Reproduction
Feed conversion efficiency. Milk production. Mortality.
Proposed Agrovoc Zaraibi goats;Lacture yeast;kids performance;kilograms produced per doe;
Publication Type Journal