Effect of feeding ration containing different levels of groundnut-vines hay on performance of growing lambs

Abstract: Eighteen Rahmani growing Lambs aged five months old with an average live body weight (LBW) of 25.7 kg were used in a feeding trial to study the effects of feeding rations containing different levels of groundnut- vines hay (GVH) on nutrients digestibility and growth performance. The experimental feeding period lasted 150days, where 90 days were during the growing period and 60 days were for the finishing growth period. During the growing period lambs were divided into three groups (6 lambs each) to receive one of the following experimental ration : (1) 80% of total DM requirements as a concentrate mixture (CM)+GVH ad libitum, (2)60% of total DM requirements as CM+GVH ad libitum and (3)40% of total DM requirements as CM+GVH ad libitum, for groups I,II and III, respectively. During the finishing period all lambs were fed on ration (1). Three digestibility trails were conducted to evaluate nutrients digestibility of experimental rations.
Data showed that the average daily gain(ADG) was 228,197.7 and 161.1 g/for groups I,II and III respectively during the growing period. The corresponding values during the finishing growth period were 179.2, 204.2 and 233.3 g/day while overall mean throughout the experimental period were 208.7,200.2 and 189.7 g/day for groups I,II and III respectively. Digestibilities of DM,OM and NFE were higher (P<0.05) for ration I than those the rations II and III. Digestibilities of CP and EE of rations I and II were higher (P<0.05) compare to the corresponding values of rations III. Crude fiber digestibility was insignificantly decreased with increasing the concentrate portion in the ration, being 52.89, 48.02 and 46.68% for rations containing 40,60 and 80%CM, respectively with. Lambs fed ration II (containing 60%CM) appeared to be more efficient for utilizing TDN to obtain one kg gain through both growing and entire periods. During the finishing period, the lambs fed ration III showed the best conversion with respect to DCP. Feeding cost during the entire period were 3.11, 2.90 and 2.74 LE/kg gain for animals in groups I,II and III, respectively. Groundnut vines hay can be used as a good quality roughage for growing lambs at 60 or 40% from their DM requirements during the growing period and 20% during finishing period.
Keywords: groundnut-vines hay, growth performance, lambs, digestibility.
Publication year 2001
Pages 275-284
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds
ISSN 1110-6360
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Digestibility. Growth period. Lambs.
Proposed Agrovoc growth performance;groundnut- vines hay;finishing period;
Publication Type Journal