Prepartum hormonal profiles and its relationship to parturition disorders and postpartum performance in cows

Abstract: Sixty-one late pregnant Friesian cows were used to study the relationship between concentrations of maternal serum progesterone and estradiol-17 β during the last 20 days prepartum and each of the calving ease, retained placenta, and the effects of that on subsequent reproductive performance and production of milk during 100 days postpartum Few days prior to parturition, eutocial cows showed a sharp decline of serum progesterone, while dystocial cows did not show such a remarkable decline of progesterone concentration Higher (P<0.05) concentrations of estradiol-l7 β in eutocial cows compared to dystocial cows were observed during 4-1 days prepartum, whereas estradiol triggers oxytocin receptor synthesis in the endometrium. Prepartal hormonal imbalances (estradiol-17 β to progesterone concentration) led to less oxytocin receptors in the uterus and an impaired preparation of the soft tissues for the parturition. This subsequently lead to weaker bouts of uterine contractions to correctly position the calf in the birth canal and inhibit the correct expulsion of the calf Progesterone concentrations were decreased (P<0.05) during the last 4-1 days prepartum in both cows with a normally expelled and retained placenta. But the concentrations of progesterone were lower in cows normally expelled placenta than cows with retained placenta (P<0.05). Cows with retention of placenta showed lower concentration of estradiol-17 β during 4 days prepartum and rapid rise within 4 to 1 days before calving might cause normal or early parturition and result in the premature placentome being retained Progesterone concentration was unaffected by the birth weight or sex of the calf, while the estradiol-l7 β concentration was greater in cows delivering male than in those with female calves, and there was positive correlation between serum estradiol-17 β concentration and the birth weight of the calf The incidence of dystocia and retained placenta had an adverse effect on subsequent reproductive performance in cows. Cows that experienced dystocia and retained placenta had a significant longer intervals from calving to first service and calving to conception than in those normal cases, also they required more inseminations. Dystocia and retained placenta events were associated with reduced 100 days milk yield (78.72 and 96.95 kg less milk produced following a difficult calving and retained placenta, respectively) In conclusion, maternal serum progesterone and estradiol-17β concentrations during the last days prepartum within the range observed in the current study significantly affect the incidence of dystocia and retention of the placenta, and these events negatively affected cow reproductive and productive performances.
Keywords :Friesian cows, progesterone, estradiol-17 β, dystocia, retained placenta, reproductive performance, milk yield
Publication year 2015
Pages 93-109
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- دقى- جيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Journal of the Egyptian veterinary Medical Association
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    احمد اسماعيل ضمرانى زراعة أسوان
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Reproduction
Cows. Dystocia. Milk yield. Placental retention. Progesterone. Reproductive performance.
Publication Type Journal