Pathological studies on the prevalence of skin infections of camel in Sharkia Governorate

Abstract: " A total number of 160 camels suffering from skin infection by bacteria (91), fungi (61) and viral infection (8). The obtained results revealed that the different microbiological agents caused severe lesions in the skin of camels in Sharkia Governorate. "
Publication year 2005
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City الزقازيق
serial title مجلة كلية الطب البيطرى بالزقازيق
Volume 33 . 1
Department Provincial Lab. Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Bacterioses. Camels. Egypt. Fungal diseases. Histopathology. Skin diseases.
Proposed Agrovoc pathological studies;skin infections ;
Publication Type Journal