Pathological and bacteriological studies of liver affections in buffaloes at Kaluobia Governorate

Abstract: " Six different pathologic bacteria species were isolated from the liver of slaughtered buffaloes, twenty one out of thirty samples showed positive isolation. The histopathological changes found in examined liver samples were vacuolar degeneration, focal area of hepatic necrosis, thrombosis and inflammatory reaction in the form of hepatitis and cholangitis. "
Publication year 2005
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City الزقازيق
serial title مجلة كلية الطب البيطرى بالزقازيق
Volume 33 . 1
Department Provincial Lab. Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Bacteria. Egypt. Histopathology. Liver diseases. Microbiological analysis. Microorganisms. Water buffaloes.
Proposed Agrovoc liver affections ;Bacteriological studies;pathological studies;
Publication Type Journal