Virulence factors associated with different strains of e.coli isolated from diarrhoeic kids

Abstract: It is aimed from this work to characterzie and to evaluate the prevalence of virulence determinants of different E.coli serogroups isolated from diarrhoeic kids.with respect to congo red binding activity , ability to produce haemolysin , adherence assay , invasion assay and toxin production verotoxin heat labile and heat stable enterotoxin . thirty six isolates belonged to 10 serogrolysin and enterohaemolysin only. the testing for toxin production revealed the presence of VT LT and ST a in 47 .2,41.7 and 8.3% respectively.
Publication year 2002
Pages 385-401
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث صحة الحيوان
Availability number
Organization Name
City الاسماعيلية
serial title المؤتمر العلمى الثانى - كلية الطب البيطرى جامعة قناة السويس
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Escherichia coli.
Proposed Agrovoc Virulence factors;diarrhoeic kids;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop