The Most Important Factors Affecting the Response of Rice Supply in Egypt

Abstract: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
• Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Egyptian Association of Agricultural Economics, Vol.(20), No.(4), Cairo, Egypt,December 2010.
The problem of this study is that seeking for reducing the domestic production of rice as a water-intensive crop and rationalizing the consumption of irrigation water, the Government of Egypt initially imposed some regulations to urge farmers reducing rice plantation in some governorates of Lower Egypt however, statistics during the study period indicate the increasing area cultivated by rice. The study aims to identify the most important factors affecting the response of rice supply.
The results showed an annual increase of area, production and productivity of rice in Egypt by about 0.37%, 0.33%, 0.13%, respectively during the period (1993-2008). Moreover, Egypt’s average total area cultivated by rice reached about 1.7 million feddans during the same period, out of which about 89.8% is located in Dakahlia, Sharkia, Kafr El-Sheikh, Behaira, and Gharbia Governorates.
The study indicated that an increase of rice price at farm-gate in the previous year by 1% leads to an increase of about 0.1% in the area cultivated by rice in the current year. Moreover, this factor results in about 42% of the total changes in the area cultivated by rice during the study period. Nevertheless, an increase in the total costs of rice per feddan by about one pound leads to a decline of about 890 feddans in the area cultivated by rice. Furthermore, this factor results in about 30% of the total changes in the area cultivated by rice. However, the results showed that an increase in the net revenue of rice per feddan by about one pound leads to an increase of about 110 feddans in the area cultivated by rice. Besides, this factor results in about 33% of the total changes in the area cultivated by rice. Furthermore, it was found that maize is not considered as a strong competitive for rice, especially in the rice-producing governorates.
Moreover, the results indicated some non-economic factors that have more influence on the response of rice supply i.e. rice varieties, soil fertility and the crop rotation, farmer’s behavior, agricultural policy and marketing systems, legislation related to reducing the consumption of irrigation water, the domestic ban on rice exports, and the conservation of natural resources.
The study recommends encouraging farmers to grow other summer crops that have similar revenues to rice shence, reducing the consumption of irrigation water. Besides, the study recommends promoting the role of agricultural extension in the dissemination of high-yielding rice varieties.
Publication year 2010
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title المجلة المصرية للاقتصاد الزراعي
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Production economics
Crop rotation. Opportunity costs. Production costs. Rice. Sequential cropping. Supply functions. Total costs.
Proposed Agrovoc السعر المزرعي (Farm Gate Price);اختبار دنكن (Duncan Test);محاصيل منافسة (Competitive Crops);نموذج نيرلوف للتعديل الجزئي (Nerlove Partial Adjustment Model);
Publication Type Journal