The economic impacts of applying the quality standards on Egyptian exports of medicinal and aromatic plants

Abstract: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
• M. Sc. in Agricultural Science (Agricultural Economics): Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, El Fayom University, 2013.
Despite of the importance of the medicinal and aromatic plants and the increasing of its global demand which due to its several uses, and the comparative advantage of Egypt in producing it, the global trend towards safe food and medicine has led to increase the competition and that made a lack of exporting the medicinal and aromatic plants.
So, the study aimed to examine the impacts of applying the quality and food safety standards and good agricultural practices of medicinal and aromatic plants.
To reach this goal, the study was to examine the development of the quantity and value of exports of the most important medicinal and aromatic plants. Was examined also, the distribution of qualitative and geographical Egypt's exports of the most important medicinal and aromatic plants, competitive analysis of the main exports medicinal and aromatic plants, analysis of the quality cost, and its impact on the competitiveness of crops under study, identify strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities for the development and future threats.
The study included four main chapters, in addition to the introduction that includes the problem and objectives of this study, data sources and research methods, beside the Arabic-language summary, Arab and foreign references, abstract, recommendations, and appendix
Publication year 2013
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعي-7 ش نادى الصيد - مبنى الهيئات والشركات - الدقي- الجيزة (الدور الرابع)
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: قسم الاقتصاد الزراعي - كلية الزراعة - جامعة الفيوم
Place: الفيوم - مصر
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Master Thesis