An Analytical Study of the Role of Finance and Investment in Livestock Sector

Abstract: The livestock sector in Egypt needs to enhance its financial capabilities to
raise production capacities in the wake of low investment in this direction.
However, it requires a thorough review of the distribution of investments and
loans directed towards livestock sector to ensure whether it is consistent
with the geographical concentration of the livestock activities. The present
research study, therefore, is aimed at assessing the impact of investment
and financing for the growth of the livestock sector in Egypt. The results
reveal that as per the geographic distribution, out of the total short-term
livestock loans, 22.7% and 14% were concentrated in Sharkia and Dakahlia
governorates respectively during 2014-2018. Hence, developing an
appropriate policy to stimulate growth and raise efficiency of the livestock
sector is desirable. The policy must be complemented by re-allocation of
loans and investments in the potential regions that lack the material capacity
to increase production.
Publication year 2021
Organization Name
City دلهى
Web Page
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal