The effect of using some herbal additives on physiological and productive performance of two Egyptian chicken strains during winter ansd summer seasons
الملخص: A total of 216 pullets. and 24 cocks ofGimmizah and Bandarah strains at sexuai maturity (22 wk old) were randomly chosen. Birds in both strains were allocated into four equal groups. The 1st group was fed basal diet and senled as a control while, the 2nd ,3rd and 4,h groups were fed basal diet inclusive 2% black seeds, fresh garlic and thyme (as herbal additives), respectively. Treatments were conducted during winter season (10 -20 ºC) from 23 to 30 weeks of age. The same treatments were repeated on the same birds at summer season (30 - 38 ºC) from 39 to 46 weeks of age. Results indicated that there were no significant differences in body weight gain due to supplementing studied herbal additives. Feed consumption was (P<0.05) increased and feed conversion was (P<0.05) improved by adding herbal additives compared with control group. Supplementing the basal diet with garlic significantly increased egg production rate and egg mass while, black seeds and thyme supplementation had non-significant effects compared with the control group. Besides, plasma total protein as well as albumin and globulin, and T3 were increased significantly while, Creatinine, GPT and GOT were not afftcted Also, plasma glucose was decreased significantly by feeding diets included herbal additives compared to un-supplemented control group. Moreover, supplementing herbal additives decreased significantly plasma, liver and egg total cholesterol and total lipids. Also, relative weights of thymus and thyroid glands were increased signifICantly due to feeding diet included herbal additives. Furthermore, fertility, hatchability, hatched chick weight prcentages and egg quality were improved numerically compared to unsupplemented control group. The two chicken strains responded similarly to herbal supplementation in both winter and summer seasons. This study suggest that herbal additives could be used in laying hens diets to improve the productive performance, blood biochemical, egg quality and immune glands weight of laying hens without any harmful effects on birds and subsequently the human health.
سنة النشر |
صفحات |
مكان الإتاحة |
معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
رقم الإتاحة |
أسم المركز |
الدولة |
المدينة |
اسم الجريدة |
Egypt ian poultry science
المجلد |
. 1
قسم |
Poultry Breeding Research Department
مؤلفين من مركز البحوث الزراعية |
المواضيع الخاصة بـ (أجريس) |
Animal physiology - NutritionAnimal physiology - Reproduction
مصطلحات أكروفوك |
Blood composition.
Egg characters.
Layer chickens.
Performance testing.
Physiological functions.
نوع المنشور |