Evaluation of some genetic parameters and permanent environmental effects for some maternal traits in two breeds of rabbits

Abstract: This study was carried out at the experimental rabbit farm, over two consecutive years of production starting in September 2005. Records of 430 litters [231 and 199 litters from Californian (CAL) and Baladi Red (BR); respectively] were used to estimate heritabilities (h2a), proportion of permanent environmental variance (Pe2), and repeatabilities (t), for each breed separately, on some litter traits [litter size at birth and at weaning (LSB & LSW), number born alive (NBA), litter weight at birth at weaning (LWB & LWW), pre-weaning litter weight gain (LWG) and daily litter weight gain (DLWG)] and reproductive traits [number of services per conception (NSC), gestation period (GP), kindling interval (KI), days open (DO) and insemination period (IP)]. The results are showed the best performance for CAL rabbits compared to BR in all litter traits. Estimates of CV% for NSC, KI, DO and IP were relatively high. Estimates of h2a, Pe2 and t were between low and moderate and tend to increase at weaning than at birth in both breeds. In BR rabbits, estimates of h2a were higher than those of CAL ones for most traits studied.
Key words: Litter size, litter weight, heritability, permanent environmental, repeatability.
Publication year 2008
Pages 145-156
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيونى - شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal of Rabbit Science
ISSN 1110-2594
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد ابو الحسن احمد جامعة الازهر
    جمال الدين يوسف عطاالله جامعة الازهر
    محمد منير شعبان مبروك جامعة الازهر
    محمود غريب غريب محمد جامعة الازهر
Agris Categories Animal husbandry
Genetic parameters. Heritability. Litter size. Rabbits. Weight.
Proposed Agrovoc permanent environmental;maternal traits;permanent environmental;repeatability;
Publication Type Journal