Abstract: The chemical composition of apricot kernel, defatted apricot kernel meal (DAKM) and wheat flour (72%) extraction were determined. Profile of essential amino acids and chemical score (CS) for essential amino acid of protein from defatted apricot kernel meal as well as rheological properties, biological assessment and sensory evaluation of prepared cookies substituted with 5,10, 15% of DAKM and cookies made with 100% wheat flour (72% extraction) as control were also assessed. Apricot kernel was found to contain more crude oil (50.3%) and high content of protein (27.83%). While, it contains 3.16% crude fiber and 2.20% total ash. DAKM had the highest content of phenylalanine+ tyrosine (12.08g/100g) followed by valine (4.73g/100g), Isoleucine (4.5g/100g), leucine (3.26g/100g), histidine (2.53g/100g) and therionine (0.82g/100g), respectively. Phenylalanine+ tyrosine, valine and Isoleucine had the major chemical scores of apricot kernel protein. Results indicated that, the defatted apricot kernel flour free from HCN and contained 55.76, 30.28, 7.92 and 5.32% of protein, total carbohydrates, crude fiber and ash, respectively. The increasing levels of DAKM replacement in prepared cookies caused increase in protein, ash and crude fiber contents. The farinograph data indicated that, water absorption, the arrival time and dough development were markedly increased with increasing the substitution levels of DAKM Since, the extetensograph data showed that, the replacement of wheat flour with 5, 10 and 15% DAKM caused to gradual reduction in dough energy and dough stability. Biological assessment indicated that, the highest food intake, body weight gain, body nitrogen and nitrogen intake for rats experiments correlated well with cookies diet substituted with 15%

DAKM followed by 10 and 5% DAKM, respectively. Also, substitution of cookies with 10 and 15% DAKM improved of Feed Efficiency Ratio (FER), Net Protein Utilization (NPU), Biological value (BV) and Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER). Whereas, cookies substituted with 5% DAKM recorded the highest scores and the best criterion of sensory evaluation followed by cookies substituted with 10 and 15% DAKM, respectively.
Publication year 2009
Pages 29-56
Organization Name
City Cairo
serial title Egyptian Journal of Nutrition
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    علية محمد الغرابلي Home Economics Dept. Fac. Specific Education, Ain Shams Univ
Publication Type Journal