Production of healthy fermented beverages fromsome crops and preparing cake from the remaining residues.

Abstract: Bifidus milk beverages (fermented) based on using peanut and barley seeds extracted in permeat weth 2% active subculture of B. bifidum were used to enrich buffalos milk. the beverage showed better activity, improved viscosity and sensory properties when (buffalos milk + barley milk + peanut milk) were used in the ratio (2: 1: 1)resp. while, it showed better microbial growth in either total bacterial count (T.C)or lactic acid bacteria (L.A.B) in (Buffalos milk + peanut milk)(1:1) ratio. the residual portion uused to producecup cake. the treatments used in cup cake were (5% residue of barley), (15% peanut residue + 5% residue of barley), (15% peanut residue + 5% barley residue), (10% peanut residue + 10% barley residue), 20% peanut resdue) and (20% barley residue). sensory, physical properties and chemical composition were determined for all treatment. the best treatment from cup cake are with 20% peanut residue.
Publication year 2004
Organization Name
City Ciro
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal