Economic efficiency of potato crop production in the new lands (Case study in Giza govern orate)

Abstract: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Vol.(65), No.(1), February 2020.
The potato crop is an important agricultural commodity domestically,both for consumption and at the national level for export. it is considered an important source of national agricultural income.
Egypt ranks the sixth among potato exproters ,with an average export value of about 7.209 billion pounds during the period (2013- 2018), thus can be relied upon to save part of the foreign exchange.
The problem of research focused on the decline in the area of the potato crop in the agricultural seasons new lands of Giza Governorate, especially the Nile season, which represents about 42.67% of the total area of the new lands in the Republic. Especially in view of the high production costs of the new lands of the potato crop as a result of the high production prices requirements,particularly those of prices of summer season seeds imported from abroad, increased of seeds to be grown in the new lands that make farmers reluctant to grow potato crop.
So the research was aimed to examine the production situation of the potato crop in the new lands of Giza governorate, as a case study,given that giza governorate is one of the areas classified by the reports of the "Potato Brown Rot Project"it is free from infection with bacteria that causes brown rot. So it can measure the productions and costs functions of the potato corp and estimate the derivatives that benefit to know for determining unit cost of production and determining efficiency in the use of productive resources.
The results :(1) Results showed that most potato farmers are in the initial phase of production function in short run, where the elasticity of production functions is about 1.23, 1.407, and 1.03 for the agricultural seasons of the potato crop.(2)The cost elasticity amounted to about 0.81, 0.64 and 0.95 meaning the production of potatoes in the seasons it takes place in the phase of increasing returns to scale.(3)The price elasticity seasons reached about 0.208, 0.130, 0.443 in the short run at prevailing market prices, so that means the supply response of potatoes crop non-resilient. While the price elasticity in the long run period amounted to 2.4, 1.2, and 2.0, the potatoes crop is flexible for price changes.
Research recommends:
1. The production elements available for the crop should be remixed so as to optimize the use of the elements and achieve economic efficiency.
2. Elicitation of new varieties at the horticultural research institute to produce special local varieties for the summer season to bring a balance in price and expansion of tissue culture to increase production and diversify sources of seed production.
3. Encouragement potato farmers to use chemical analysis of the soil to identify optimal quantities of various fertilizers.
Publication year 2020
Pages 73 - 92
Availability location مكتبة كلية الزراعة - جامعة الإسكندرية
Availability number
Organization Name
City الاسكندرية
serial title مجلة الإسكندرية للعلوم الزراعية
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal