Abstract: This research aimed to identify the level of application of the respondents of the technical recommendations related to simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn , to identify the sources of their information, which derive their knowledge from it , with those technical recommendations related to this system, to identify independent variables correlated & determining with to the degree of application of the respondent's farmers of the technical recommendations the simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn and to identify the problems they face when using the simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn from their point of view.
This research was conducted in Elbeherah governorate because it is one of the largest governorates in Lower Egypt in area cultivated with the simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn, it was followed by the same criterion it was selected two largest districts in area cultivated with two crops intercropping simultaneous system , they were districts of Koom Hamada, and Damanhur, by the same way it was selected biggest villages from each district, they were villages of: Obuka, Alnigelah from Koom Hamada district and villages of Sharnoop, and Bani Hilal district in Damanhur, district.

Data were collected by using a personal interviewee's questionnaire for regular random sample amounted to 217 respondents according to equation of (Krejcie & Morgan) among farmers of simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn in the studied four villages during the month of August 2016,frequencies, percentages, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Pearson's simple correlation coefficient, model of correlative analysis of multi-tiered upward and downward (Step-wise), in the data analysis and presentation of results.
The most important research results were as follows:
1. 51% of the respondents were low-level of application of the technical recommendations related to simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn.
2. The most important sources of information which from them the respondents derives their knowledge of technical recommendations regarding simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn could be ranked from top to down as follows: Senior farmers in the village, followed by personal experience, friends & neighbors, followed by the agricultural input dealers, followed by the agricultural extensionists, then maize crop Specialist, followed by soybean crop Specialist, followed by extension meetings & panels, followed by a technical manual guidelines, then television agricultural programs, followed by agricultural radio programs and, finally, the Internet network.
3. The independent variables together explain 47.9% of the total variation in the degree of respondents applied the technical recommendations of simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn,20.2 ?of them attributable to the simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn, and 8.3% attributable to the degree of satisfaction about the economic return of the simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn, 6.2% degree of respondent education, 4.3% attributable to the degree of extension communication, 4.1% attributable to the experience in the simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn, 3.3% attributable to the degree of risk-taking, and 1.5% to tenure of farm size.
4. It was found that fourteen problem faced by respondents when using simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn, they were ranked from top to down from their point of view as follows: The difficulty of marketing soybean crop (94%), The decrease of selling price of maize crop (90%), the limited availability of seed varieties and hybrids short high productivity of crops (85%),decrease of productivity of both crops than individual cultivation (82%),lack of knowledge with agricultural operations for the simultaneous intercropping system for simultaneous two crops (78%(,rise of agricultural labor costs at the plantation and harvest crops (76%),Increasing of losses of soybeans when carried off the field (70% ), lack of knowledge with the fertilizing needs for the two crops together (67%),(lack of knowledge with control of participatory diseases and epidemic pests which hits both of two crops (63%), the difficulty of weed control (61% ), lack of the extensional publications about simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn (58%), lack of holding the extension meetings & panels related to simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn (55% ) ,lack of agricultural TV & radio programs related to simultaneous intercropping system for soybeans with corn (50%), and finally the difficulty of transport soybean crop out of the field, while the corn crop is still in the field (47%(.

Publication year 2016
Pages 39-70
Organization Name
City الجيزة
serial title كلية الزراعة جامعة القاهرة
Web Page
ISSN 11107871
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal