Some variables effect dry Beans productivity in some villages in kom Hamada distrect Beheira Governorate

Abstract: The main objectives of this research is to determine respondents dry beans productivity and feddan return, determine the relationship between respondents feddan productivity of the crop as dependent variable and some independent variables, determine respondents feddan return of the crop as dependent variable and some independent variables, determine the effect of independent variables associated significantly with all of respondents feddan productivity and respondents feddan return as dependents variables to explain the variance of these dependent variables, determine rspondents suggestions to increase crop, productivity and returns.
Data were collected from respondent farmers in February 2016 using questionnaire with random sample amounting to 108 farmers represent 15% of dry bean growers population of shabour, mehalet ahmed and waked villages kom Hamada distrect, beheira Governorate mean, standard deviation, frequencies, percentages simple correlation coefficient and stepwise reqression were used to present and analyze data statistically.
The results to revealed that :
1. 75.9% of the respondents their productivity more than the mean 1200kg /feddan.
2. 78.7% of the respondents with low and moderate crop return profit where 13.8% of the respondents gain no profit of the crop.
3. there was significant positive relationship at 0.01 level between the degree of respondents productivity of dry beans crop an dependent variable and all of the dependent variable such as degree of drainage validity, degree of acceptance about crop productivity, degree of acceptance about crop return, routation, degree of exposure in formation sources, degree of getting ready to change, knowledge degree concerning crop technical recommendations, implement degree of crop technical recommendations.
4. there was significant positive relationship at 0.01 level between the degree of respondents fedden return of dry beans crop an dependent variable and all of the dependent variable such as degree of drainage validity, degree of acceptance about crop productivity, degree of acceptance about crop return, routation, degree of exposure in formation sources, degree of getting ready to change, knowledge degree concerning crop technical recommendations, implement degree of crop technical recommendations.
5. The results revealed that respondents degree of acceptance about crop productivity, respondents implement degree of crop technical recommendations, respondents knowledge degree concerning crop technical recommendations and degree of acceptance about crop retune interpret 62.0% of total variance in feddan productivity.
6. The results revealed that respondents degree of acceptance about crop return, knowledge degree concerning crop technical recommendations, degree of exposure, validity, and degree of getting ready to change interpret 58% of total variance in crop return.
7. 4.6%, 38.8%, 35%, 34.2% and 3.4% of the respondents suggested establishment of farmers support box, reduce crop input prices, present information about crop prices and crop cooperation marketing or contract where said that 46.2%, 38.8%, 34.2% and 32.4% of the respondents respectively.
Publication year 2016
Pages 26-49
Organization Name
City الجيزة
serial title مجلة الجمعية العلمية للارشاد الزراعى
Web Page
ISSN 11107871
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal