تقييم مرحلة " دراسة الموقف الراهن " كأساس لبناء البرامج الإرشادية في محافظة المنوفية

Abstract: This research aimed to evaluate analysis of current situation in Menoufiya governorate, to determine the extension workers’ knowledge of criteria of analysis of current situation, to identify the level of implementation of analysis of current situation activities that reflect these criteria. to identify the assignment level of respondents to Implementation of these activities1, to identify correlate significantly by respondents' knowledge of criteria of analysis of current situation, and level of assignment and implementation of analysis of current situation activities in Menoufiya governorate, to identify significant differences between Agricultural specialists and Agricultural agents to mean of knowledge, implementation and assignment levels that related to criteria of analysis of current situation , to determine the problems of analysis of current situation .
A random sample of 123 respondents was chosen from the nine districts in Menoufiya governorate Representing about 68% of the total, according to Cochrane equation. Data was collected by interviewing respondents using a questionnaire. It was statistically manipulated and analyzed using tables, percentages, averages, standard deviation, correlation analysis, and variance analysis (ANOVA. (
The main results of the research include:
1. The mean of knowledge level of Agricultural agents to criteria of analysis of current situation was 55.6%, while it was 68.1% to Agricultural specialists.
2. The mean of implementation level of Agricultural agents to analysis of current situation activities that reflect these criteria was 59.5%, while it was 62.9% to Agricultural specialists.
3. The mean of assignment level of Agricultural agents to implementation of these activities was 63.3%, while it was 74.3% to Agricultural specialists.
4. There is no significant correlation between respondents' knowledge of criteria of analysis of current situation, and level of assignment and implementation of analysis of current situation activities, While There is a significant correlation between The implementation level of analysis of current situation activities, and assignment level of respondents to implement these Activities.
5. There is significant difference between Agricultural specialists and Agricultural agents to mean of knowledge levels to criteria of analysis of current situation.
6. the most important problems which face respondents in analysis of current situation were: The lack of financial resources, the lack of incentives for extension workers, decreasing numbers of extension workers, the centralization of extension planning, assign extension workers to work that is not suitable for the nature of their work, and the lack of training opportunities in planning of extension programs.
Publication year 2016
Pages 300-331
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal