Knowledge Farmers with Means Rationalizing using of Irrigation Water in Some Villages. Kafr El-Dawar District El-Beheira Governorate

Abstract: This research mainly determine the knowledge level of farmers regarding methods to rationalize the use of water for irrigation. in order to reach the deficiencies and the areas of the knowledge gap for farmers in all of them. and therefore can develop outreach programs aimed at improving the cognitive levels in this area. as well as identify the most important problems facing farmers regarding ways to rationalize the use of water for irrigation. It was necessary using survey data collection against personal research random sample of regular agricultural villages Allwstania. kom Elberca and El-Arcop belonging to the Kafr El-Dawar district. El-Behara Governorate. and the number of vocabulary 339 respondents represent 8% of the overall research. The use of both percentage. arithmetic mean. frequency tables and simple coefficient in data analysis and presentation of the results of this research.
It was concluded a large number of research results. which have been invoked in the recommendations and the most important of the following:
1. It became clear that the majority of respondents. those with low cognitive average and low level regarding methods to rationalize the use of water for irrigation by as much as 73.8%. and then the severity of cognitive needs of the respondents in this area.
2. Shows a relational moral relationship at all levels of Alaanmaliyn 0.05. 0.01 between the knowledge level of the respondents regarding methods to rationalize the use of water for irrigation as the dependent variable. and all of the independent variables that have been studied in this research. namely: age. educational level. and the trend towards agricultural innovations. agricultural extension and communication. and sources of agricultural information. and the acquisition of farm ground.
3. It is the study of the problems faced by the respondents regarding methods to rationalize the use of water for irrigation. it became clear that the most important of these problems are the rising costs of construction and maintenance of modern irrigation networks. and the fragmentation and small agricultural holdings hamper the use of modern systems of irrigation. the lower the numbers needed to carry out maintenance and operation of the systems technical personnel modern irrigation.
Publication year 2017
Organization Name
City الجيزة
serial title كلية الزراعة جامعة القاهرة
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Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Publication Type Journal