Study of The Capacities Farm and Its Impact on Farm Incomes in Dakahlia Governorate

Abstract: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
• M. Sc. in Agricultural Science (Agricultural Economics): Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, 2018.
This study consists of seven sections preceded by the introduction, which contains the research problem, the research objectives, the research method, and the data sources. The research problem was limited agricultural land, small size of agricultural holdings, and misuse of land. Feddan about 28.9% of the total agricultural area.
The study aimed at studying the levels of agricultural incomes, their relation to farm farms in Dakahlia Governorate, the relationship between incomes and agricultural capacity, study of economic resources, crop composition in Dakahlia governorate, statistical analysis of agricultural inputs and their effect on agricultural incomes. The first part dealt with the theoretical framework and the reference review of the most important studies and scientific researches related to the subject of the study during the period 2000 to 2014. While the second part dealt with the study of economic resources in Dakahlia governorate.
The third chapter dealt with the study of crop structure in Dakahlia governorate in 2014, where it was found that the crop structure consists of four groups: field crops, vegetable crops, fruit crops, medicinal plants and aromatic plants.
The fourth chapter dealt with the study of agricultural income in Dakahlia Governorate, where the development of agricultural income in Al-Jawh Al-Bahari and Dakahlia Governorate dealt with agricultural income from plant and animal production in administrative centers in Dakahlia governorate during the period 2001-2014.
The fifth section analyzes the sample of the field study, the study of the stages of selecting the sample of the field study, the study of the economic and social characteristics of the sample of the field study, classification of the agricultural lands according to the area into three categories: the first (less than one faddan) (From 3 to 5 faddan). The second category (from 1 to 3 faddan) was the most profitable category, followed by the first category (less than one faddan) and the third category (from 3 to 5 faddans).
The sixth chapter deals with the economic analysis of farm farms and their impact on agricultural incomes in Dakahlia governorate, the study of farm entry levels and their relation to various farm farms. Identification of sources of agricultural inputs according to the sizes of different agricultural capacities through a questionnaire questionnaire. . The concentration of relatively large properties in the new lands, as well as the fragmentation and dwarfing of property, has been shown in the old high-fertility lands.
Chapter 7 deals with the study of agricultural capacities and their effect on farm income indices in the sample of the field study by calculating the absolute measures of agricultural income, which were calculated in the calculation of the total farm output, total revenue, net operating income (gross margin), net farm income, Relative profitability measures were represented in the rate of return / cost, gross revenue / variable costs, variable cost / average production, profitability of the exported pound, profitability of the unit produced (in tons).
The measures of balance revenue and safety income were represented in the calculation of balance revenue, scale of balance, price of balance, production safety level , and price safety level. In the sample of the field study, the agricultural capacity and its relation to agricultural income in Dakahlia governorate were examined in the sample of the field study. It was found that the second category (from 1 to 3 feddan) is the most profitable category followed by the category (From less than one feddan) and then the third category (from 3 to 5 feddans). It was also found that about 96.6% of the increase in net farm income for the total sample of the study was due to the increase in cultivated area.
Through the results of the study, the study recommends:
1- To improve the efficiency and management of large farms, modern methods of production, where the concentration of large properties relative to the new land.
2 - The need to develop proposed policies, for the vertical and horizontal expansion in the production of agricultural crops, to bridge the gap between production and consumption, where the correlation between the agricultural area and increase the productivity of the feddan, for the research sample crops.
3. Develop a production policy aimed at increasing the production of agricultural crops, especially in relation to food security, by: (a) using modern methods of agriculture; (b) establishing a good guidance system to educate farmers and training them on how to produce, (C) the development of highly productive agricultural seed varieties.
4 - To direct investment in the field of agricultural land reclamation, the need to follow modern methods, to increase the production of agricultural crops.
Publication year 2018
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعي-7 ش نادى الصيد - مبنى الهيئات والشركات - الدقي- الجيزة (الدور الرابع)
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: كلية الزراعة - جامعة الزقازيق
Place: الزقازيق - الشرقية - مصر
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Master Thesis