The Urban Sprawl on Agricultural Lands in Gharbia Govornorate
Abstract: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ • M. Sc. in Agricultural Science (Agricultural Economics): Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, 2020. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ This study focuses on the evolution of urban encroachment on arable land in Egypt. There are three forms of encroachment on arable land. The first type is the removal of the fertile topsoil of agricultural land for the main purpose of bricks manufacturing. The second type is the setting aside of arable land and letting the land go unproductive for long time periods. The third type is the permanent conversion of arable land to buildings. The total acreage lost to encroachment from January 25, 2011 revolution till November 18, 2018 is about 85 thousands feddans of fertile land. The first type of topsoil removal constitutes 7.7 percent of the total lost acreage. While setting aside of arable land constitutes 35.5 percent and the conversion of arable land to buildings constitutes 57.8 percent of total land lost to encroachment. Rapid population growth is the main driver for accelerating encroachment on arable land in Egypt. This is especially evident in the governorates that are not endowed with desert backyard. Gharbeya governorate is a good example of densely populated regions with no desert backyard that could be used for urban expansion. The study reveals that population in Gharbeya grew during the period 2006-2017 with an annually rate of 2.1 percent. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
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كلية الزراعة - جامعة عين شمس
القاهرة - مصر
Author(s) from ARC |
Publication Type |
Master Thesis