A Study of Financial Development Impact on Economic Growth: A Comparison Between Egypt and Saudi Arabia

Abstract: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Research in World Economy, Vol. 12, No. 4; 2021.
Economic growth is always seen as one of the chief economic goals countries try to achieve, in order to develop its economics. Economic growth takes different forms following the varying economic theories, and it's mostly defined as achieving increase in average share of individual from the real gross national income at certain time period. One of the most frequently used indexes to measure economic growth is: Measuring economic growth based on the expected – no the real – income, especially in countries that possess rich resources. And based on gross domestic product at fixed price and one year, and the average individual share from real income.
Publication year 2021
Pages 94 - 110
Availability location https://doi.org/10.5430/rwe.v12n4p94
Availability number
Organization Name
City Ontario
serial title Research in World Economy
Web Page
ISSN 1923-3981
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    شادي محمد شوقي عبد الموجود shadyshawkey@gmail.com كلية زراعة المنوفية
    ضرار عبد الحميد التوم العتيبي ) أستاذ مساعد – قسم إدارة الأعمال – كلية العلوم الإدارية والمالية – جامعة الملك خالد
Publication Type Journal