Economic Impact for the Adoption of the Recommended Improved Varieties on Wheat Production in Egypt

Abstract: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
• Agricultural Academy of Bulgaria, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Volume(28),Number (3), June 2022.
The study tries to answer questions e.g. what are the economic impacts of using of improved varieties recommended by the National Campaign to Uprise Wheat Production (NCUWP)? The results revealed farmers within NCUWP added about 1.564 ton/ha to the average yield gained by farmers without NCUWP. Farmers of NCUWP achieved more economic efficiency in terms of total revenue per ha. This could be due to increasing the yield and decreasing the costs of production. The results showed statistically significant effect of improved varieties on increasing wheat production. About 71% of the changes in wheat production was attributed to changing the quantities of seeds, organic fertilizers, nitrogenous and phosphorus fertilizers, labour and mechanical work. Education, off-farm employment, and making bread at home were the most important determinants of the decision to adopt these varieties. Our results showed that high costs of production and low level of water are the key problems facing farmers in the study sample. Capacity building for extension agents is essential for disseminating the improved varieties of NCUWP, as well as providing the agricultural extension service with enough number of agents.

Keywords: production function; elasticity; efficiency; technology; B/C ratio; Double Hurdle (DH) model
Publication year 2022
Pages 369-375
Availability location
Availability number
Organization Name
City Sofia
serial title Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science (BJAS)
Web Page
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal