Diallel analysis and separation out the components of genetic variance in eight Faba Bean genotypes

Abstract: The present investigation was carried out at Genetic Resources Department- Bahtim, to evaluate eight faba bean varieties in the diallele cross set. Twenty eight crosses were constituted in the 2011/2012, whereas parents and crosses were evaluated in 2012/2013 seasons, in a randomized complete block design of three replications.
Results revealed highly significant variations within parents and F1 genotypes, indicating a wide genetic variability for the studied characters and the possibility of genetic improvement using such genetic pools of faba bean. Some crosses recorded significant desired heterosis percentages relative to mid parent and better parent for all studied characters except number of branches per plant. Both general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities were significant for all studied characters revealing the important role of both additive and dominant components in the inheritance of the studied characters. The ratio of general and specific combining ability (GCA/SCA) indicated that there were great additive effects for the majority of the studied characters. Giza 3 proved to be a good combiner for all studied characters except plant height and number branches per plant. Several crosses exhibited significantly positive SCA effects for studied characters especially L.512 × NA112 and L.153 × Giza 3 which exhibited highly significant and positive SCA effects for seed yield per plant, 100-seed weight and number of seeds per plant. Heritability in broad sense (hb2 %) estimates were generally high for all studied traits. heritability in narrow sense was high for number of pods per plant (76.42), 100-seed weight (75.53), plant height (70.53) and number of branches per plant (62.00), while it was low for seed yield per plant. High heritability values coupled with high genetic advance were observed for100-seed weight and number of pods per plant would respond to selection. These values may indicate the possibility of increasing seed yield through selection for 100-seed weight and number of pods per plant which is an important yield component.
Publication year 2014
Pages 147–154
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أحمد جمال هلال قسم بحوث المحاصيل البقولية – معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية – مركز البحوث الزراعية
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities