Nutritional Practices Of Rural Women In some villages of

Abstract: The research targeted mainly to idenlify the nutritional practices of the investigated rural women concerning the selection of food kinds, purchesingfood, preparing,cooking,serving,storing and keepingfood,aswell as,making use of the food residules,determine the implementation level of the investigated rural women regarding the nutritional practices of the five studied processes, finally identify the information resources and food sources provided by family.
the research was conducted on a(376) random sample of farmers holdess wives who were selected from three villages of Gharbia covernorate.Data werecollected from the studied area by using pretested questionnaire and ehrough personal intesuiews with farmers wives ,tabulation, frequencies and percentages were used to present data results..
The Study revealed the Following Results:-
1. the implementation of the Rural women of the nutritional practices related to the selection of fresh vegetables and fruit was high,as it implemented by 97.1% of the respondents, while it was moderate for five practices and low for two practices.
2. the implementation of the nutritional practices related to the purchase of food were high for two practices,which were;- relying on young children to go to market, and read the expiration date on tins before buying, While the percentage was moderate for three practices and low for in three practices.
3. Related to preparing and cooking food practices the high proportions were found in five practices which were;- soak legumes in water before cooking, put potatoes after they are fried on newspapers or colored paper, preporotion of food loved by the family members, remove the fishes inner parts before its Grilled, and cut the salad vegtables before eating directly. While the percentage was moderate for two practices and low for in five practices.
4. concerning Storing and Keeping food the high proportions were found in four practices which were ;- note the stored food (potatoes, garlic, and onions), clean storge place before usage, preserving frozen food for more then ayear, and put the food in the refrigerator immediately after its temperature calms down, While the percentage was moderate for three practices, and low in three practices.
5. concerning making use of the food Residules the high proportions of the investigated Rural women were found in four practices which were ;- using milk raib in making pastries, using food residuals in feeding birds, using the remain soup in making the next days food, and using the left food from the previous day to make anew kind of diet, While the percentage was moderate for two practices and low in three practices.
6. three quarters of the Rural women respondents with percentage reached to 87.2% were found in the intermediate- level category concerning the im7plementation of the practices in the five studied processes, while 12.8% were found in high implementation-level category.
7. The most important information resources of the respondents ryral women about food were relatives,friends,neighbors and television respectively.
8. the main sources of food produced by the family of the respondents rural women are raising poultry and animals.
Publication year 2017
Organization Name
serial title كلية الزراعة - جامعة القاهرة
Web Page
ISSN 11107871
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Publication Type Journal