Survey and seasonal abundance of Aphid species (Homoptera: Aphididae) infesting certain Solanaceous vegetable plants in newly reclaimed sandy areas at Salhia district, Egypt

Publication year 1989
Pages 361-372
Country Egypt
serial title Zagazig Journal of Agricultural Research (Egypt)
Volume 16 . 3B
External authors (outside ARC)
    El-Zohairy, M.M.
    Hegab, A.M.
    Helaly, M.M.
    El-Sharkawy, H.M. Zagazig Univ. (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture
Agris Categories Pests of plants
Africa. Animal population. Aphididae. Aphidoidea. Arab countries. Arthropoda. Egypt. Hemiptera. Homoptera. Insecta. Mediterranean countries. Middle East. North Africa. Noxious animals. Pest insects. Pest surveys. Pests. Solanaceae. Sternorrhyncha. Surveys.
Publication Type Journal