The Agricultural Extension Communication Methods that be Exposed to Farmers, and Its Relationship with the Level of Their Knowledge in the Area of Dealing with Secondary Corps in some Villages of Alexandria and AI- Behaira Governorates

Abstract: This study aimed to define the extension communication methods that be exposed to farmers, and its relationship with the level of their knowledge in the area of dealing with Secondary Corps.
- Data have been collected from (180) farmers, through personal meeting questionnaire, from some villages
in Alexandria and Al-Behaira Governorates.
- Percentages, Frequents, and Simple Correlation Coefficient (Person) have been used in data
analyses in this study.
The most important results are as following:
1- About (40%) of the respondents have low level of knowledge, while, only (23 %) of them have high
level of knowledge about dealing with secondary corps.
2- (53.3%) from the respondents have low degrees of exposure for extension communication methods,
while (16%) of them have high degrees of exposure to the extension communication methods.

3- There is a positive and significant correlated relation,
at probable level 0.01, between the degree of the exposure of farmers and the following variables: extension seminars, visiting to farms, extension meetings, and extension farms, and between the
levels of knowledge of the respondents.
4- Also found, there is a positive and significant correlated relation, at probable level 0.05, between
the degree of the exposure of farmers and the following variables: practical demonstration,
extension prints, and rural T.V. programs, and between the level of knowledge of the respondents.
5- The study revealed that there are some problems facing these farmers, which are:
- Lake of knowledge of dealing with secondary corps.
- Lake of extension training.
- High prices of the machines.
- High rates of salaries of the trained workers.
Publication year 2015
Availability location مكتبة معهد الارشاد الزراعى والتنمية الريفية
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City الاسكندرية
Publisher Name: جمعية أ.د/ عبد المنعم بلبع لبحوث الاراضى والمياة
serial title مجلة الاسكندرية للتبادل العلمى
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Publication Type Journal