Mahmoud Hassan Abd El-Samad
Affiliation Animal Production Research Institute (APRI)
Department Poultry Breeding Research Department
Research station Animal Production Research Stations
Station name
Degree PHD, Egypt, Cairo in [1998]
Scientific Progress
Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [22/09/2001]
Specialist in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [01/12/1984]
- Effect of supplementing diet with Chromium Picolinate on productive, reproductive, physiological performance and immune response of Golden Montazah chickens (2013)
- Effects of different dietary ratios of linoleic acid to a- linolenic acid on productive performance, immunity of laying hens and egg yolk fatty acid composition (2012)
- Effect of different dietary linoleic acid to linolenic acid ratios on some productive, immunological and physiological traits of Dandarawy chicks (2011)
- Relative biological availability of manganese from some inorganic sources for chicks (2009)
- Effect of yucca schidigera extract on performance of some developed local strain chicks. 2-Body weight, conformation and phenotypic correlations between them (2008)
- Effect of yucca schidi gera extract on performance of some developed local strain chicks. 2-Body weight, conformation and phenotypic correlations between them (2008)
- Manganese requirement of Dandarawi and Dokki4 laying hens (2008)
- Antioxidants supplementation to diet of Egyptian chicken under different environmental conditions 2- the growth during cold winter stress (2007)
- Antioxidants supplementation to diet of Egyptian chicken under different environmental conditions 1- egg production during hot summer stress (2007)
- Effect of stocking density on productive and phyiological performance of Egyptian laying chickens (2006)
- Effect of early acclimatization on performance of some local breeds of chickens under hot climate conditions (2005)
- Effect of temperature and light during incubation on the productive performance and semen characteristics of males of two local breeds of chickens (2004)
- Effect of vitamin E,C, Selenium and Zinc supplementation on reproductive performance of two local breeds of chickens under hot climate condition (2004)
- The effect of using some herbal additives on physiological and productive performance of two Egyptian chicken strains during winter ansd summer seasons (2002)
- Effect of coating hatching chicken eggs with gelatin and nitrogen gas at different storage periods. on internal egg quality, hatching characteristics and post-hatch chicks growth (2013)
- Effects of using aromatic herbal extract or blend with organic acids on productive and physiological performance of poultry 1- egg production during hot summer season (2009)