Mounir Foda Abdalal Sabaa
Affiliation Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AERI)
Department Agricultural Finance and Cooperation Research
Research Field Economics, Statistics and Rural Sociology(Investment, Finance and Credit)
E-mail address
Work Telephones 01223605306

Fax 0237607651      
Professional progress
Dept. Manager in Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AERI) [01/11/1996]
Vice president for extension & training in Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AERI) [06/05/2005]
Scientific Progress
Emeritus Chief Researcher in Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AERI) [24/04/2007]
Chief Researcher in Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AERI) [01/06/1996]
Senior Researcher in Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AERI) [06/01/1990]
Researcher in Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AERI) [01/12/1984]
Assistant Researcher in Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AERI) [01/06/1979]
Research Assistant in Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AERI) [01/01/1974]
Specialist in Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AERI) [01/06/1970]
- A Study of The Phenomenon of Defaults in Paying Off Agricultural Loans Provided by The Main Bank for Development and Agricultural Credit (2013)
- A Study on The Technical, Economic and Social Indicators of Rice Cultivation in Egypt in Light of The Limited Water Resources and The Application of Agricultural Technology (2013)
- A Study on Rural Poverty in Egypt (Indicators - Policies - Achievements) (2009)
- Credit Market in Developing Countries (2008)
- Financial Sector in Egypt (2008)
- " SMEs access to Credit –Egypt Experience" (2008)
- " دراسة للمشاكل التى تواجه شباب الخريجين وأثرها على التوطين والتنمية فى بعض مناطق الأراضى الجديدة" (منطقتى قبلى قارون وغرب الفشن) (2003)
- " دراسة تحليلية لدور الائتمان فى التنمية الريفية ومحاربة الفقر فى جمهورية مصر العربية " (2002)
- Agricultural Credit in Light of The Economic Liberalization Policy, "Field Study in the Gharbia Governorate" (1997)
- Risk, Price and Marketing Analysis of Potato Crop in Egypt (1996)
- " دراسة حول الآثار التعليمية والإقتصادية للحملة القومية للأرز (1996)
- "دراسة للطلب على القروض الزراعية فى مصر" (1994)
- "الكفاءة الانتاجية والاقتصادية والعوامل المؤثرة عليها فى عينة من مزارع تربية عجول البتلو" (1992)
- " دراسة لبعض العوامل المؤثرة على كفاءة الائتمان الزراعى" (1992)
- Rice Cultivation in Egypt "Some Indicators and Economic & Social Considerations for Rice Production in Egypt" (2018)
- رؤية اقتصادية لبعض قضايا التنمية الزراعية فى مصر (2009)
- Egyptian Rice Exports in Light of The Agricultural Development Policy (2006)
- " دراسة اقتصادية لبعض مشروعات تنمية الانتاج من اللحوم الحمراء فى مصر" (1989)
- "اثر استخدام الاساليب التكنولوجية المختلفة فى انتاج الارز على بعض المعايير الاقتصادية المزرعية" (1988)
- Some Economic Impacts of The Class Technological Changes on Some Major Crops in Egypt (1986)
Technical Report:
- دراسة تحليلية لتمويل التنمية الزراعية فى ضوء التغيرات المؤسسية وسياسات الائتمان لبعض مصادر التمويل الزراعى فى مصر (2022)
- Impact of Food Prices Changes on Small Farmers in Egypt (2009)
- Rice Straw Management and Conservation of Environment Technical/economic Feasibility Analyses (2008)