Hanaa Abd El-Harith Abo-Bakr
Affiliation Animal Production Research Institute (APRI)
Department Cattle Breeding Research Department
Research Field Animal and Poultry Science(Animal Genetics and Breeding)
Agrovoc Animal breeding
E-mail address h_abubakr@hotmail.com
Work Telephones 023362382
Fax 0237600598
Degree PHD, Egypt, Ain Shams in [1998]
Scientific Progress
Senior Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [24/11/2008]
Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [27/06/1998]
Assistant Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [31/07/1994]
Specialist in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [27/05/1985]
- Comparison between baladi cattle and therir f1 crossbreeds with french abondance and tarentaise breeds in some performance traits (2009)
- Genetic and phenotypic trends of milk yield and reproductive traits for friesian herd raised in mid-delta (2008)
- Some physiological and immunological responses of rabbits fed diets contained salvadora persica (2008)
- Effect of dietary addition of arak (Salvadora persica) on growth and reproductive performance in black Baladi rabbit males (2008)
- Genetic and phenotypic relationships between embryonic loss and 305-day milk yield traits (2006)
- Genetic and phenotypic parameters of number of services per conception as a threshold trait and 305 milk yield as continuous trait using gibbs sampling and mtdfreml (2002)
- Some factors affecting embryonic loss in Friesian cattle (2002)
- Impact of missing pedigree and missing early lactation records on the genetic evaluation of 305-day milk yield in Friesian cattle (2013)
Master Thesis:
- A genetic study on the lactation curve in Friesian cattle (1991)
PhD Thesis:
- Sire evaluation of dairy cattle. (1998)