Aiman Abd El-Hey Abd El-Hamid
Affiliation Animal Production Research Institute (APRI)
Department Animal Nutrition Research Departement
Research Field Animal and Poultry Science(Animal Nutrition)
Agrovoc Animal nutrition
E-mail address
Work Telephones 0186018334
Scientific Progress
Senior Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [24/11/2008]
Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [09/10/2003]
Assistant Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [10/03/2002]
Agricultural Engineer in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [01/10/1998]
- Effect of some nutritional treatments on productive performance of she-camels (2013)
- Effect of dietary cobalt supplementation during late gestation and early lactation of Friesian cow on:2-productive, reproductive performance and economical efficiency (2013)
- Studies on nutritional and economical models under different production system: 1. effect of fatty acid of calcium soap on productive performance of dairy goats (2012)
- Studies on nutritional and economical models under different production system: 2. effect of fatty acid of calcium soap supplementation on physuological response of dairy goats (2012)
- Seasonal effect on nitrogen metabolism and its reflection on maintenance protein requirements for Egyptian Oasis sheep (2009)
- Effect of ascorpic acid supplementation on growth performance, carcass traits, some physiological parameters and some blood constituents of growing lambs under the summer Egyptian conditions (2008)
- Effect of chromium picolinate supplementation on productive perfoarmance of lactating cows (2005)
- Environmental effect on nitrogen metabolism and its effect on protein requirement of Egyptian oasis sheep (2008)
Master Thesis:
- Nutritional evaluation of some new green forages sown under Egyption condition. (1998)
PhD Thesis:
- Effect of feeding different levels of green forages and complete rations on productive performance of ruminant animals. (2003)