Khaled Ibrahem Zedan
Affiliation Animal Production Research Institute (APRI)
Department Animal Nutrition Research Departement
Research Field Animal and Poultry Science(Animal Husbandry)
Agrovoc Animal nutrition
E-mail address
Work Telephones 0483675420
Scientific Progress
Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [29/01/2004]
Assistant Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [18/09/2001]
- Effect of using residues prickly pear as a source of dietary feedstuffs on productive performance, biological traits and immune response of rabbit 1- prickly pear cladodes (2015)
- Nutritional, physiological and microbiological studies on using biogen - zinc on productive and reproductive performance of ruminants 2-productive performance, digestion and some blood components of damascus goats (2014)
- Studies on using biogen - zinc on productive and reproductive performance of ruminants. 1- physiological responses of damascus goats to diet supplementation with biogen-zinc. (2014)
- The effect of different levels of dietary fiber fractions on performance and immunity of growing rabbits 1- the effect of using corn cubs as a source of acid detergent fiber on growth performance, digestion, blood constitute and immunity system (2013)
- Fertilizing ability of diluted rabbit semen added with bee pollen aqueous extract (2013)
- Effect of crude papaya (Carica papaya) latex supplementation to low protein diets on productive performance, digestion, immune system, activity of certain digestive enzymes and intestinal morphology of growing rabbits (2013)
- Effect of dietary cobalt supplementation during late gestation and early lactation of Friesian cow on:2-productive, reproductive performance and economical efficiency (2013)
- Nutritional studies on some different sources of iodine on productive performance, ruminal fermentation and blood constituents of buffalo. 1 - Effect of two different iodine levels on productive and reproductive performance of buffalo cows (2010)
- Using different levels and sources of fats and roughages in feeding goats. 1- effect on productive and reproductive performance (2010)
- Using of biogen-zinc supplementation in finishing ration of buffalo bulls on their fattening performance (2009)
- Effect of dry fat supplementation on productive and reproductive performance of Damascus goats (2009)
- The use of date wastes as feed for Rahmani lambs (2008)
- Effect of natural additives (Bee pollen) on immunity and productive performances in rabbits. 3- Evaluation of high levels on growth performance, blood profile and carcass characteristics in rabbit males (2014)
- Effect of crude papaya latex supplementation on some production, digestion and reproduction traits of rabbits (2009)
- Productive and reproductive performance of buffaloes fed on rations supplemented with biogen- zinc at late pregnancy period (2009)
PhD Thesis:
- Effect of dietary fat on performance, rumen fermentation and some blood parameters in buffalo. (2003)