Ehab Ahmed Abdalla
Affiliation Animal Production Research Institute (APRI)
Department Poultry Breeding Research Department
Research Field Animal and Poultry Science(Poultry Physiology)
Agrovoc Physiologists - Poultry
E-mail address
Work Telephones 0126593195
Scientific Progress
Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [30/06/2003]
Assistant Researcher in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [07/06/2000]
Agricultural Engineer in Animal Production Research Institute (APRI) [01/02/1990]
- Effect of supplementing diet with Chromium Picolinate on productive, reproductive, physiological performance and immune response of Golden Montazah chickens (2013)
- The effect of organic selenium supplementation on productive and physiological performance in a local strain of chicken 2- Immune system and some physiological aspects in bandarah chicks affected by organic selenium (2010)
- The effect of organic selemium supplementation on productive and physiological performance in a local strain of chicken. 1- The effect of organic selenium ( Sel -PlexTM) on productive , reproductive and physiological traits of Bandarah local strain (2009)
- Study on productive performance, hematological and immunological parameters in a local strain of chicken as affected by mannan oligosaccharide under hot climate conditions (2009)
- Physiological and Biochemical Responses in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Fed radiation processed aflatoxin contaminated diet (2008)
- Studies on the effect of different dietary metabolizable energy levels on some performance of local baladi pigeons (2007)
- Effect of coating hatching chicken eggs with gelatin and nitrogen gas at different storage periods. on internal egg quality, hatching characteristics and post-hatch chicks growth (2013)
- Evaluation of external and internal egg quality traits, some physiological and immunological traits in two local strains of laying hens. (2009)
Master Thesis:
- Effect of storage period and conditions on egg quality of some poultry strains (1998)