The main Acheivements and future plan of the differents departments of the Nubaria Agricultural Resraech station were:-
1-Forge crop Department :
•Forge crops team of Nubaria Agric. Res. Station produced and developed Alflfa Cultivar( Nubaria 1) , wher it was devloped for resistance to seeding domping off and phytophthora root rot diseases. •they worked to recogmize the farmer with pearl millet (Shandweel 1)which it is spread in field of farmer in sugar beat, west Nubaria and EL-Bostan areas. •Also they selected same promising pouplations of Alfalfa gare high green yield produces form freuch project for develping high cultivars of Alfalfa and now intered to experiments compared with other selected population from different areas and other registed cultivars of Alfalfa .
2-Food legumes Research Department :-
•produced and develaped the new variety (Nubaria 1) that adlapted to Nubaria conditions . •The future plan of this department is to: •Breeding the new faba bean varietyies (Nubaria 1) and ( Giza 716) for resistance to foliar diseases ( choclate spot and rust ) . •Breeding Giza 843 variety resistance to orobanche . •Breeding a new varietes adapted to low water requirements ( Ahnasia 2 and Gross 735). •Breeding a new varieties of soybean for resistance to Melohagronyza phaseolii (Eryon).
3-Onion crop department :-
•The main effort of the Onion team is to: •produced and developed a (Nubaria 1 LDR) that Good line tolrant to leavres diseases (dwony mildew , leaf blight and parole blotch). •Breeding a new summer season lines (Nubaria 2 – yellew and Nubaria 3 – Red) they have a good quality characters. •Breeding a new line ( Nubaria – 4), it has a high TSS ( >18%) and good yield and quality . •Breeding a new early line (Nubaria – 5 ), it has a good exporting traits and high quality characters .
4-Cotton Agronomy department :-
•The main effort of the team is to put a full package of recommendations concerning cotton production under Nubaria region conditions . this package included the adapted of cotton cultivars ( Giza 86 and Giza 88 ), plant density, sowing date , fertilizaion and irrigation requirment intervals .
5-Oil crops department :-
•The main effort of the team is to: •Evaluate the new sesame varietes ( Sohag 1 , and Giza35 ) under Nubaria conditions. •Evaluate the penut crop variedies ( Sohag 110 and Sohag 104) under EL-Bustan area condition , they have a best oil yield and quality thies varieties now under registeration as a new varieties they had been sent to varietry registeration committee. •Evaluation of the new canola varity ( Serw10) as a resistante variety to Round up .
6-Maiz crop department :
The strategy of Maize program at Nubaria is to : •release of high yieling hybrids resistant to major diseases and of desirable agronomic characters. •Application of an appropriate package of recommended agronmic practices to attain maximum yield . Some orgaing research activities focus on use of low quality irrigation water ( salinc water ) and its effect on crop development and soil characteristics in cooperatin with different research departments of field crops Res. Institute , and control Lap of saline and Alkaline soils research and some other agriculure projects in Nubaria area.
7-Soil improvement department :
•Soil improvement and conservation develop a data bais in some area in north weat coost region , west Noubaria and wady EL-natrun area by collecting the technical data conrserning soil and water resourses to help deseasun meakers in selection the best methed of resowrses conservation and sastenalle use throgh geographical information system (GIS) and (R.S.) techniqe . •The main effort of the team is to put a full package of recommendations to improve sandy and calcareous soil under Nubaria reigan conditions using the natural and organic improveing materials . •Establishment of agriculture crop waste unite to utilize different crop redues for compost industry. Compost organic fertilizer is verey important for improving soil physical and chemical properties in sandy soil calcareaus soils and represent a good sale alternative for mineral fertilizers .
8-Water Management department :-
•Establishment of water requirements and crop coofficient of most crops ( Maiz- wheat - sesame , Faba bean , Onion , Tomato ) under Nubaria region condition s. •Contineaus work for renewing the data of consumptive use and crop coofficient for the other crop. 8-soil fertility and plant nutrition :- •Research and Extension aetivites of soil fretility and plant nutrition dept at Nubria Agric. Res.stn. are to :- •Determine actual fertilizers requirmants for different ferilizer nutrients for different field and horticultural crops under newly reclamid sandy and calcareous soils •correlate soil test and soil fertility and crops productivity with critical level of mutriets. •study the effect of fertlilzing with matural minerals and rocks comparing with chemical fertilizeres on soil fertility and crop productivity. •development of fertilization teachnicss for increasing fertilizers use effecincy. •Study the integrated effect of irrigation ( under differnce techniqes) and fertilization with organic , biological and chemial fertilizers on porductivity and quality of different crops and on soil fertility build up . •invistigate Respons of different field and horticulteral crops of unhydrou amonia comparing with the ordenary N chemical fertilizers , du to increesing chemical fretilizers coastes . •Improving farmes fertilization seels throgh extension and demonstration fieldes.
9-Department of plant patholog:
The activities of our department incoluding as follows : •Diaganosis of plant diseases caused by fungi , bactria and nematode . •using biocontrol agents against soil fungi and folair diseases as alternative of fungicides . Our resulting in the field of biocontrol were: •Control of Brown spot causel by botrytis fabae of faba bean using trichoderma spp. •Control of leaf folair diseases of onion using defferent speacies of trichroderma , which isolated from Nubaria region .