1-TDR apparatus for determination of soil maitour content at the time in the field. 2-GEM apparatus for survaing of salt and metals contents at supsurface soil. 3-Ceramic plate for PF Curve determination 4-Atomic absorptim spectrophotometer (AAS) with flame and Graphite furnace for determine metals of Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Cd, Ni, Pb. 5-Gas liquid chromatography ( GLC) for determine residules of pretisides and organic contaminant 6-High performance liquid chromatography (HpLc) for determine the quality of Agricultural productes. 7-PCR apparatus for finger print of the new strains and hyprids, 8-Proteen separation for separt of amino acids . 9-Ligher Microscope with camera.