
Current Activities

1. Helding training programs at the Regional Research station in cooperation with the agricultural exteusion admenstration at fayoum to training farmers on howthey can practiced all the perfect canclusions of the new varieties and hybrids and the new method of irrigation water rationalization.
2. Inreducing laboratory services, as laboratoty analysis throughout the laboratory of fayoum regional res. station, since this laboratory can soil, irrigation and drainage water samples, as well as plant , mineral and organic fertilizers and give the technical conclusios, especially about the soil physical and chemical characters and irrigation and drainge water.
3. The station have a complete item which can introduce services to the area farmers against any problem,especially for irrigation and drinage, plant pathology, pests and gave suitable solves for these problems.
4. conducting the A.R.C plan by carrying out the different programs of different research instituts.