
Future Activities

1. To reach the objectives of Tameia station establishment efforts must be done for a new building construction to involve all the researchers and labroatores of different specifics of the A.R.C.
2.Increasing the area of the station field to be able to carry out all the experiments and researches of different instituts which solve the Tameia area problmes.
3. Contrivance of some high production varieties and hybrids of different crops which are suitable for the soil and dimatic conditions of the region.
4. Establishment new irrigation network systems throughotu the A.R.C plan to rationalize irrigat water use, sicethe Tameia area suffer from water shortage during the year seasons.
5. Conducting applied researches for different crops to determing the package of technical conlusions for each crop under the environment and soil conditions.
6. Conducting special studies about the benefit and optimum utilization of the field crops residules of the farm and using it as a organic fertilizer.
7. Incereasing the cooperation between the station and Fayoum extension system through applied and research projects such as I.P.M project.