Burg El-Arab


Researches activity:
Publish researches:
Many scientific researches have been deployed under the plans for the institute's and current plan (110researches equals 80 research have been implemented with the station and coast northern western region addition 30 research in cooperation with others bodies) in the following provce.
*Sheep and Goat are 51 researches (breeding-Husbandary- Physiology- Nutrition).
*Rabbets are 9researches (nutrition- Husbandary).
*Poultry productions are 5 researches (breed -husbandaery).
*Agriculture guidance is 15 researches ( animal production- plant production- communication methods).
Scientific thesis :
Many thesis have been execution(Master and phD thesis) in Borg El- Arab research station and coast northern western region,in many of the following areas :
*Animal production Thesis (Rearing-Breeding- physiology- nutrition).
*Agriculture Guidance Thesis.