The economic marketing weight of male Zaraibi Goats

Abstract: Targeting to determine the efficient marketing weight for Zaraibi kids, 45 kids weighed 14.97 to15.95 kg and aged 3 months were divided into three groups, 15 each. The trial designed to test three roughage to concentrate ratios (40,60 and 70% concentrate) extended for three different periods (3, 5 and 7 months ) to attain 25, 30 and 35 kg kids weights, respectively on growth performance, feed conversion and carcass characteristics. Economical efficiency was calculated for different fattening packages.
Daily gain and feed conversion efficiency (DM or CP consumed per unit gain ) improved noticeably with increasing concentrate ratio in the diet, while, as marketing weight increased they decreased.
?Economic efficiency showed slight improvement due to the increase in growth rate accompanied the increased concentrate ratio, while noticeably decreased by the increase of marketing weight of kids over 25 kg. It ranged from 2.40 to 2.59 for fattening up to 25 kg vs. 2.08 to 2.19 for fattening to 30 kg and 1.81 to 1.89 for fattening to 35 kg.
Dressing percentage improved significantly with increasing concentrate ratio in the diets. Carcass prime cuts and offal showed slight differences either due to concentrate ratio or fattening weight. Fat percentage in the carcasses was increased by 15.6-26.2% and 53.9- 73.4% for kids fattened to 30 and 35 kg compared with25 kg, respectively. Longismus dorsi ribs did not show significant differences as weights due to concentrate ratio or fattening weight, while its meat% decreased by-2.5 to-5.6 % by increasing concentrate ratio and by- 4.4 to-10.5% for increasing fattening weight. Fat % in the ribs oppositely increased due to the same factors by 7.7-10.9% and 10.19.6%, respectively.
Its advisable to market Zarabi kids at 25 kg body weight, and in case of need for fatting to heavier weight, price per kilogram would be raised to compensate the extra costing rate of the gain.
Keywords: Zaraibi kids, growth performance, feed conversion, carcass characteristics, economical marketing weight.
Publication year 2003
Pages 1311-1324
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feed
ISSN 1110-6360
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Nutrition
Carcass composition. Economic analysis. Feed conversion efficiency. Growth rate.
Proposed Agrovoc economical marketing weight;growth performance;Zaraibi kids;concentrate ratio;
Publication Type Journal