Comparative nutritive values of silage rations containing different levels of teosinte and kochia

Abstract: This work aimed to study the effect of ensiling Kochia on its palatability and nutrients digestibility when fed to Zaraibi goats. Teosinte was used at different mixing levels to formulate silage. Twenty Zaraibi bucks, averaged 40 Kg body weight, were divided randomly to five groups ( 4 bucks each). Teosinte replaced Kochia in silages at 100% (R- 1), 0% ( R- 2), 75% (R- 3), 50% (R- 4) and 25% (R- 5) rates. Rations – 3 (75% Teosimte + 25% Kochia) was significantly more consumed ( from 7 to 27% ) than other rations while ration 2 ( Kochia – S ) attained the least feed intake. Ration -3 recognized to have the least ammonia – N and butyric acid, which may suggest their being, especially low ammonia level, as a palatability performance. The daily water consumption was higher by increasing Kochia indica in the ration. The values of water consumption (ml/kgw0.82 ) recorded the lowest value ( 85.83) with Teosinte silage (R-1) while it recorded the highest value ( 104.3) with Kochia silage (R –2) which mostly due to its halophytic effect. R- 3 ( 75% Teosinte – 25% Kochia) had significantly better digestion coefficients of DM, OM, CF and NFE than all the other rations. The decrease of the digestibility coefficients of OM , CF and NFE accompanied the higher percentage of Kochia indica conform with the higher ADF, ADL and ash contents associated with Kochia indica. TDN and SE had been significantly of higher values in Teosinte than Kochia silages, 56.6& 40.9 vs. 49.7 & 33.0, respectively. Meanwhile, R-3 ( 75% Teosinte – 25% Kochia ) accomplished higher, but not significant, values than R-1 for both (57.2 & 41.3% ). Thus, higher estimates for TDN and SE were given with increasing Teosinte, while DCP was higher with increasing Kochia in the rations. The highest intake as TDN or SE was accomplished with R- 3( 75% Teosinte – 25% Kochia ). DCP intake recorded the lowest value (P < 0.05) for Teosinte silage, while all other ration did not differ significantly. R- 3 ( 75% Teosinte – 25%Kochia ) retained the highest N- balance (2.3). Feeding Kochia- S or Teosinte – S alone gained the least N- balance estimates compared to their mixtures. As Kochis ratio increased on the cost of Teosinte in the mixture, the N- balance values decreased ( 2.0 and 1.8 for ration – 4 and – 5, respectively). Accordingly, the mixture of silage including 75% Teosinte and 25% Kochia seems to be a good choice as a feed for goats.
Keywords: zaraibi bucks, teosinte silage, kochia silage, palatability, nutritive value.
Publication year 2001
Pages 129-140
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds
ISSN 1110-6360
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    عبد الحيمد محمد عبد الحيمد جامعة المنصورة
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Digestibility. Nutritive value. Palatability.
Proposed Agrovoc kochia silage;teosinte silage;zaraibi bucks;palatability performance;
Publication Type Journal